Top 5 different benefits of Ghee for skin - Hub Of Tips
Top 5 different benefits of Ghee for skin

Top 5 different benefits of Ghee for skin

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Top 5 benefits of Ghee for your skin which really makes it soft and smooth

It is healthy, tasty and our grand mothers have made us have spoonful of it every day of our childhood. We are talking about the aromatic ghee.

So do you know what Ghee can do for you ? Well let me list out some of the benefits of ghee by using it :-

  • It moisture's your face - Pamper the skin of your face with ghee.
How to use :- Make a solution with equal parts of ghee and water. Then Massage your face with it. Then Sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water to have soft and smooth skin.

  • Hydrates Dry Skin - The Fatty acids in ghee encourage deep hydration and make even the driest of skin, soft and smooth.
How to use :- Warm up half a bowl of ghee and massage your entire body with it for 3-5 minutes before your bath. It is the perfect antidote for dry winters.

  • Brightens Skin - Ghee can also brightens your skin.
How to use :- Make a mask using raw milk, besan and equal amount of ghee. Apply the paste to your face and wash it off after 15-20 minutes for skin that looks and feel gorgeous.

  • Ghee can Slow down skin ageing. Massage ghee onto your skin daily and beat ageing by many years.

  • Cures Chopped lips.
A drop of Ghee when rubbed onto dry chopped lips will lock in moisture and leave it over night and when you will wake up you fill find your lips being so soft.

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