Top 10 Essential Kitchen Tricks and Tips - Hub Of Tips
Top 10 Essential Kitchen Tricks and Tips

Top 10 Essential Kitchen Tricks and Tips

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Top 10 Essential Kitchen Tricks and Tips to make it fun working in the kitchen

Working in kitchen can really be fun if you know some basic keys. Here are some special tips to make your work interesting and comfortable.

  • To remove the skin of almonds easily, soak them in hot water for 15-20 minutes.

  • Putting 3-4 cloves in sugar container will keep the ants at bay.

  • Apply mashed banana over a burn skin on your body for cooling effect.

  • To keep celery fresh for a long time, wrap it in a aluminium foil and place it in a refrigerator

  • Keeping a small piece of Hing (Asafoetida) in the container will store chilli powder for a long time.

  • Use a wooden board to chop, it will not blunt the knife. Do not use a plastic board, small plastic pieces may go with the vegetables.

  • Immerse coconut in water for half an hour to remove its husk.

  • You can use dry coriander and mint leaves in coarse powder form in vegetables curry or chutney.

  • Place some chopped onion in the vessel having burnt food, pour boiling water in it, keep five minutes and then clean.

  • If you keep a piece of bloating paper at the bottom of container, it will keep biscuits fresh for a longer time. 

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