Top 15 Healthy Benefits of Tulsi - Hub Of Tips
Top 15 Healthy Benefits of Tulsi

Top 15 Healthy Benefits of Tulsi

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Top 15 healthy benefits of Tulsi..

Discover the 15 healthy benefits of tulsi can be helpful for you :

Tulsi is a holy basil is known for its numerous benefits for health and beauty. This medicinal herb can be used for everything from a cough to heart diseases. Tulsi is packed with Vitamins, Electrolytes, Minerals & phyto-nutrients. Hence the benefits of tulsi are many :-

  • Tulsi is a detoxifying agent.
  • Tulsi is used to purify and cleanse.
  • It soothes inflammation.
  • It is known as an antioxidant.
  • It works as an antibiotic.
  • It possesses antibacterial properties.
  • Tulsi regulates uric acid levels in the body. thereby elimination risks of developing kidney stones. It is also beneficial for those who have kidney stones.
  • According to the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, tulsi can help in maintaining normal levels of the stress hormone – cortisol in the body.
  • It is known as an adaptogen.
  • It strengthens immunity.
  • It facilitates digestion.
  • Is great for dental health and for healthy gums
  • Is also beneficial in treating conditions like hepatitismalariatuberculosis, dengue and swine flu.
  • It counters elevated blood sugar levels and is therefore beneficial for diabetics.
  • It is known to strengthen immunity and it is antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic.

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